Frequently asked questions

General Questions

1. Why is GPG Services Considered The Leader in Outsourcing?

Outsourcing has been around for decades, however companies are now finding in a high inflation, low growth environment that outsourcing is the key to sustaining and growing profits. If you are thinking about reducing operational cost in your business and improving efficiency, outsourcing could be perfect for your business. Outsourcing typically relates to the process of hiring your full or part-time agents offshore. Nepal is considered leading countries for outsourcing with incredibly high rates of education, amazing, hard working cultures and well established infrastructure for remote teams. GPG Services helps small and large companies establish remote teams in record time and has large clients who are listed (as well as many smaller ones). Let us help you outsource to the Nepal, and beyond and find the perfect employee to fit your business.

2. How Quickly Can I Be Up & Running?

GPG Services has scaled 20 agent teams in 14 days. Whilst it depends on the specific role, most clients are up and running in 5-10 days.

3. Do I Get Dedicated Agents?

Full time agents work exclusively for you, whilst part time agents will have other clients. Agent’s need 40 hours of work a week to live a decent lifestyle in the developing world. The assistants are hand-picked for you based on your requirements. For your company, it will be the same person throughout your journey so that you can build rapport and learn the needs of your business. Our agents can be based in the Nepal. They can speak excellent English for communication.

4. What Are The Key Skills Of Your Agents?

Great english, hard working attitude, university education and a friendly demeanour are the main qualities we look for. We also ensure they have a quiet space to work in, high spec computer and access to cloud-based technologies.

Outsourcing services include everything you might possibly dream of. One of the most important qualities we look for is time management skills so we can ensure your tasks are completed quickly with excellent communication skills (both verbal and written). Before we undertake our recruitment process we check knowledge of the tools you use most commonly.

What your outsourced agent can do is limited only by your imagination and capacity to train. Some agents we’ve placed manage calendars and inboxes, undertake research and manage LinkedIn profiles for lead generation, customer support, telemarketing & more. They can create spreadsheets, update, and audit websites, build and optimise online product listings. Our agents are trained to ensure that communication with your customers is timely and professional. Apart from this, if you have any other need, you can tell them and they make sure to get the work done for you.

Advanced questions

1. Key Benefits Of Hiring A GPG Services Outsourced Agent?

There are so many benefits to outsourcing agents to offshore to countries like t, Nepal and beyond. Firstly Nepalese love working for foreign companies, as it allows them to work from home, avoid the traffic and work a day shift which is the preferred mode of employment in Nepal. We find that virtual assistants hired by GPG Services report high levels of employee satisfaction and the benefit to you are substantial cost savings that can support your business expansion.

One understated benefit is the mental freedom associated with ceasing tasks that suck your creativity. With this new mental clarify, you can dream up new ideas to help your business expand and run more efficiently.

2. How Long Does It Take To Set Up A Team?

14 days is the average time it takes for GPG Services to post a job ad, vet candidates, place them through extensive interviews and place them in your team. We take pride in making sure that we get the perfect fit of agents to your business.

3. Describe Your Recruitment Process?

Our recruitment process is not dissimilar to an on-shore recruitment process except our labour pool is 5x bigger than your labour pool on-shore. Together, Nepal have over 20M population, so for every role we advertise, expect 10x the number of applicants. But don’t worry, we take care of all the hard work for you, vetting candidates for English , aptitude and skills and surface only those candidates that we expect are going to perform well for you and your company. We’ll ask you to provide a brief with specifics about your business needs, we’ll use that as the basis to surface relevant clients and then we’ll shortlist the best for an interview with you. If you prefer, you can conduct the final interview. For whatever reason if a candidate doesn’t work out, we’ll do the hard work of exiting them and replacing them with a better candidate.

4. How Do You Maintain Quality?

Our talent acquisition team works checks in with candidates and we have technology to ensure that your employees start work at the designated time and clock off when you require so you don’t pay more. GPG Services screen and interview candidates based on your requirements and choose the perfect candidate suitable for your business. KPIs are something you set up with the hired employee once they are on board.

5. Can I Hire Employees Part-Time?

Yes, we can help you outsource part-time employees for your business or specific campaigns.

6. Can I Provide The Work Hours? Can They Work Overnight?

Yes, candidates will be informed of your business’s preferred work hours. Nepalese employees are flexible and can work within the time your business requires. Night shift is a popular working schedule in the Nepal due to the number of US clients that utilise the nepalese for back-office roles so we can certainly place employees in your team to work overnight (and public holidays too with a loading!)

7. How To Handle Non-Performing Agents?

We do it on your behalf. If employee(s) is not performing or reaching your KPIs, let us know and we’ll help performance manage them or terminate and replace them.

8. How Do I Pay My Offshore Staff?

We got Flexible payment option that include Credit Card Payment(Mastercard/Visa), Paypal, or other remit services like Remitly, Western Union, Wise and so on.

9. Is My Company Data Safe With Offshore Outsourcing Employees?

Our staff are both “work from home” and ” Work from office” categories. However if you have sensitive data we can implement security measures to make sure your data is private and secure, including remote desktop solutions. We take copies of employees drivers licence, passport or other identifying information so that if something happens, we have full recourse to pursue them for damage that occurs to your business (although this has never happened to us before). We can require an NDA before onboarding based on your preference.

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